Category: FPSRPG
Release date: 18/09/2012
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Size: 2.97Gb (VPK) 6.3Gb of space is required for memory card and installed VPK File Copy
Short instruction:
How to install a simple method:
1. Change the file extension to mp4. Example: Jstars_victory.vpk -> Jstars_victory.mp4
2. Use File QCMA offline to transfer mp4 to Vita memory card
3. In Vita you to molecularShell -> ux0: -> video / -> Click the triangle to the mp4 file transferred from the computer and select Move, find VPK / and Paste here
4. Rename the file mp4 to VPK and installations
Part 1 Full
Update to version 1.7
V 1.7
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